From Doers to Leaders

Promoting your people from operational roles to leadership roles can be the hardest move for the company as well as the talent you’ve identified. Often people find it hard to make the change in mindset needed to lead people. You want the talent that you’ve identified to succeed but you don’t have the resources or the time internally to achieve this goal. That’s where I come in. Coaching new managers over a period of time will enable them to change their operational mindset to that of a leader.

  • You’ve just promoted a member of the team. They’ve never had any management experience and they need to learn fast. Help them become a leader by partnering with me.

  • You’ve got a team that has the potential to perform better. Coaching the manager, as well as the team, to work better together. Focus on H2H (Human2Human) communication.

  • Moving from Start-up mode to Scale-up you need to change mindsets and have the top management working as a team.